Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sometimes I feel like my life is just one giant fart.

This morning began as any other Monday/Wednesday. Jeffro and I awoke at 8am to the soothing sounds of Bon Iver. I reached over to the nightstand, picked up my phone, and texted the bus to see how much longer I had to sleep in. After a minute or so, the bus texted me back and said that I had 10 minutes to get ready. I informed Jeffro, then dragged myself out of bed, putting on a jacket and some shoes (so what if I go to school in the same thing I sleep in?) and throwing my hair up into a ponytail. After brushing my teeth, I looked at the clock and saw that 4 minutes of my "get-ready time" had gone by, leaving me with 6 minutes before the bus would be at my stop.

Or so I thought.

Just as the countdown clock hit 5 minutes, we surprisingly heard what we thought were the sounds of the bus. Usually, when we hear the bus we have enough time to walk to the stop before it gets to us. So, on this day, we sauntered casually outside towards the stop, expecting to have plenty of time. Imagine our surprise when we got around the corner and saw that the bus was already waiting at the stop, loading the last of its passengers. And we still had to cross the fairly busy street!

Jeffro and I darted out into the middle of the street, forcing cars to stop. We made it across one lane, but the cars in the other lane weren't stopping for us. We could see that the bus was getting ready to pull away, so, panicking, Jeffro decided to take matters into her own hands. Holding out only her right hand as a buffer between us and the oncoming cars, we raced across the lane and towards the bus. Just as we rounded the corner of the bus and thought we were home free, the doors started to close. Fortunately, Jeffro had the sense to run forward and grab the doors with her hand, preventing them from closing. We climbed aboard the bus quickly and attempted to avoid the looks we were getting from those who had witnessed our somewhat amusing journey onto the bus.

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