Monday, January 31, 2011

Biological Clock

Bzzzz. Bzzzz. Bzzzz.

Oh hey. That's just the sound of my biological clock going off.

Kids? What? No. I want a puppy.

Seriously though. There is just something irresistible about a little puppy stepping on too long ears with paws three sizes too big. Anyone want to make a donation to the "Puppy for London" cause?

Monday, January 24, 2011

I have a pet. His name is Peeve.

Kind sir sitting behind me in the library, please look over my shoulder and read what I am writing; for it is a message for you.

Your spasmodically whistling breath is annoying to those around you and we would appreciate it if you would stop.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Vegamilk, part 3

Which brings us to the third saga in the tales of Vegamilk and the havoc it wreaks. I don't know how we've gotten this far, since Vegamilk probably should have been stopped in its tracks after the first encounter--but, here we are. Fortunately, for the sake of Jeffro's reputation, she wasn't the one who drank the vegamilk.

I was.

And I wanted to kill myself.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

An Adventure Filled With Thanks

"Hey, wanna come to my cabin for New Years?"

Uh, of course?

"Here are the directions . . . Just follow them until you get to a gate, and then wait there. We'll come open the gate every hour on the hour, so just wait for us."

Unfortunately, the last direction said turn right on Causey Drive, which may or may not be a snow-covered, windey road that goes on forever until it finally comes to the gate of a BOY SCOUT CAMP which is definitely not where your friends cabin is hiding. Oh wait. It didn't say that last part. But it should have. Because that's the truth.

After we followed those directions (the ones that led us to the boy scout camp) we decided (more like Jeffro decided . . . never trust someone who drinks vegamilk multiple times) to walk past the gate up the road a little ways further to a cabin to ask directions. In the freezing cold. Perhaps the cold made common sense set in for Heidi and me, for after we had walked up the road a ways, we turned on Jeffro and decided her idea was crap; one we shouldn't follow anymore. Fortunately, Jeffro decided that that was her cue to become an incredibly pessimistic person and think of everything that could go wrong.

"London, did you lock your keys in the car?"
"Guys, what if we don't ever find Lancelot's cabin?"
"Oh my gosh what if a midget eskimo suddenly jumped out of the snow and broke into your car and started it and drove off so we were stranded here? Don't worry, I'd sacrifice myself so you guys wouldn't starve tonight."

Thank you, Jeffro, for those great words of encouragement.

But, despite Jeffro's disturbing predictions, we made it back to the car safely and started to backtrack. We came upon a turnoff and, notwithstanding the dire looking snow-covered road, decided to turn there. We drove for quite awhile, feeling very fortunate that my car had 4-wheel drive, until we came across some people on a four wheeler, who, we soon found out, were on their way to pick us up and take us to the cabin. Apparently the road was so covered in snow that we wouldn't have been able to make it to the gate.

Thank you, Stan, for those great directions that would have led to us being stuck in the snow had we not been intercepted by someone who knew what was going on.

Fortunately, just to add to this adventure, the next day we got back down to our car only to discover that it was dead. Evidently a light had been left on all night, running the battery down.

Thank you, skis of Dallin, for causing the light to be left on.

Vegamilk: Part 2

There shouldn't be a part two, should there? Jeffro should have had that taste of vegamilk ingrained so deeply in her mind that it wouldn't happen again. But it did. Twice more. Jeffro drank the expired milk. And not just a tiny sip either. No, she somehow managed to not notice that her milk was bad until after the third sip.

Am I the only one sensing a destructive pattern here?