Sunday, October 10, 2010


I don't know if you've noticed, but these days, being all eco friendly is definitely the cool thing to do. Everything seems to be made of recycled materials, decomposable materials, and vegetables. But I'll bet you never thought that milk could be made more environmentally friendly, but as Jeffro and I discovered, it could.

(Conversation from this morning)
Jeffro: "Uh-oh . . . Today's the ninth, right?"
Me: "No, the tenth."
Jeffro: "Shiz. My milk says 'best by October eighth'. Think it's still ok?"
Me: "I dunno, taste it and see."
Jeffro: *Pours milk over cereal and takes a bite, contemplating whether or not it's ok*
Me: "So, how is it?"
Jeffro: *Takes another bite and chews slowly* "I... Can't tell. It doesn't taste sick, just sort of . . . Weird. Try it and tell me!"
Me: "Uh . . . No thanks."
Jeffro: *Takes another bite, still trying to decide if the milk is bad*
Me: "Dude, just taste it plain."
Jeffro: *Gets up and lifts the milk jug to her face.* "Oho it smells ishy!"
Me: "Well just taste it! Sometimes milk smells weird but tastes fine."
Jeffro: *Smelling* "Dude, I don't know. Please just smell this for me."
Me: *Sighing* "Fine dude." *Smelling* "Dude. This smells like vegetables."
Jeffro: *Takes a swig* "Oh my gosh the vegetables flavored my milk!"
Me: "Dude, is your milk made of vegetables?"
Jeffro: "Oh my gosh I just drank vegamilk! Who knew?"

Fortunately, after this conversation Jeffro dumped her milk down the drain, ending the life of the vegamilk.

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