Friday, September 16, 2011

Little Jack Horner

Almost everyone wants to know what their future is going to be like, right? It's even gotten to the point that people make a living off of being "predictors" of the future.

But how many people actually believe that what a fortune teller tells you is absolute?

Better yet, how many people believe that what a NEEDLE tells you is absolute? (Yes, you read that correctly.)

See, apparently there's this game. You tie a string around a needle, tap it against your hand, then let it spin above your palm. This is supposedly going to predict your children--how many you'll have and what their gender will be. If the spin pattern of the needle is oval, it's a girl. If it's a straight line, it's a boy.

Absolute hooey, right?

Unfortunately, when I heard of this game, I was not in the company of those who agreed with that statement. In fact, these people put 100% of their faith in this needle. One girl even went so far as to say, multiple times, that she didn't WANT to have seven kids, but the needle had told her, so it must be true.

Oddly enough, these girls didn't seem too pleased when I refused to "have my children predicted." Fortunately, I was able to save face by claiming that "I'd rather just wait for the surprise." Apparently, this answer was acceptable, considering that one girl said she didn't blame me, because it WAS rather freaky.

I just bit my tongue and continued to laugh silently to myself.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, well that's what you think. This one actually works - just ask the ladies at my old office. It actually correctly told them how many children, and the gender, they already had. So there. Laugh it up.
